The Buffer Cache is a memory area in which the data physically stored in the database is read and modified. When you want to see the employee records in the EMP table, they are first read from disk and loaded into the Buffer Cache. Why not simply fetch the rows off disk and straight back to you and your client PC? Someone else might want to read the EMP records just after you. If we loaded the rows into Buffer Cache first time round, the second person won't have to read the rows from disk at all: they'll be able to access the copy of them direct from the Buffer Cache. Reading rows of data off disk involves performing a physical read. Reading rows out of the Buffer Cache copy of them involves performing a logical read. Logical reads don't require physical disk access and so are much quicker to perform than physical reads. The job of the Buffer Cache can be said to be, therefore, to minimise physical reads and to help maximise logical ones.
It's not just reading data, though. If you want to update a record, the modification is made to the version of the data stored in the Buffer Cache. Only later is this modified buffer (known as a dirty buffer) then saved back down to disk. When we write a modified buffer back down to disk, the contents of the in-memory buffer become the same as the on-disk data, and we therefore say that the buffer is now a clean buffer.
Oracle never reads individual rows, though. If you want to update Jim's phone number in the EMP table, we never just get Jim's record and let you at it. The minimum unit of reading and writing is an entire "collection" of rows -usually 2K, 4K, 8K or 16K in size. The idea is that if I am modifying Jim's phone number, you will probably want to update Bob's phone number similarly in just a moment or two... so my request to update Jim's record helps you out, because it causes the entire collection of rows around Jim's row to be loaded into memory at the same time. Your subsequent update to a different row hopefully therefore only involves logical I/O, not physical I/O -and you therefore benefit from my earlier work.
This 2K, 4K, 8K or 16K collection of data is known as the Oracle Block and is the minimum unit of I/O in an Oracle database. Request to see just one byte in a block, and the entire block is read into the Buffer Cache. The term "block" is actually used to describe the collection on disk; when a block from disk is read into memory, we call it a "buffer" instead. Essentially, though, a block and a buffer are the same thing, except that one physically exists and the other is only an in-memory thing. Some other database products (such as SQL Server) call the same thing a "page" of data. Blocks, buffers, pages... they're all really just different words for the same idea: a minimum 'chunk' of data read from disk into memory, and stored in memory for other users to find without having to re-visit the physical disk.
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