Monday, 9 July 2007

TRIM - function

Oracle pl/sql trim function

The trim function removed characters from beginning and/or end of a string in Oracle. Oracle has 3 functions for this:

The TRIM function trims specified characters from the left and/or right.If no characters are specified, the left and right spaces are left out.
Example: trim(' will it trim ') = 'will it trim'.

Another option is:
trim(trailing 'a' from 'aaaabcbaaaa') which results in 'aaaabb' or
trim(leading 'a' from 'aaaabcbaaaa') which results in 'bbaaaa' or
trim(both 'a' from 'aaaabcbaaaa') which results in 'bb'.

LTRIM removes characters from the left of a string if they are equal to the specified string. Example: ltrim('aaaaaabc','a') = 'bc' If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are removed from the left side.

RTRIM removes characters from the right of a string if they are equal to the specified string. Example: rtrim('bcaaaaaa','a') = 'bc' If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are removed from the right side.

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